Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Asked Celebrity Friends to Donate Eggs, Sperm

The circus that is Michael Jackson's life never ends -- even in death.

Someone who've known the Jackson family for more than 16 years told the News of the World, Michael wanted "ideal-looking" children and would even "beg" Hollywood's ideal-looking celebrities for their sperm and eggs so he, in turn, can create his own children in a test-tube.

"Michael is not the father of a single one of the children in the biological way, but in chemical terms he oversaw their creation as a dad," the source said. "Michael wanted his kids to be the best in every possible way and that prompted him to take the laboratory route instead of leaving nature to take its course. He was adamant that the children should come from intelligent, respected and - most importantly - healthy genes. He feared passing on vitiligo - the hereditary skin condition that turned Jacko's skin from black to white. His drug problems also played a major role as he knew his sperm may be damaged."

According to the report, Blanket's surrogate mother is a Mexican nurse, Helena. She carried another woman's fertilized egg and donated sperm.

"Michael asked many of his friends to help donate their eggs and sperm from 1994 to 1997, and then he chose two each time for his babies. Added into the mix were anonymous donors who he felt came from good stock," the source said.

Michael's former nanny, Adrian McManus, who is not a doctor, said the singer would've been unable to have children due to a damaged reproductive systems stemming from years of drug abuse.

"He had the powerful drug Accutane in his room. When I read the label it revealed it could damage fetuses," she said.

Adrian said Michael was obsessed with Adolf Hitler, collected Nazi medals and scoured books about evil experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz.



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