Thursday, August 27, 2009

Muslims Barred From Attending Black Eyed Peas Concert

Last week we reported that a 32-year-old Muslim woman was to be caned/beaten/flogged after she was caught drinking a beer, now news, also coming out of Malaysia, says Muslims are barred from attending a Black Eyed Peas concert being held Sept. 25.

Why? We presume because the show is sponsored by Guinness, the liquor company. (The concert is one of five, being held around the world, celebrating Guinness' 250th anniversary.)

On the Malaysian concert's Web site, organizers say the show is for non-Muslims only and to make sure of that visitors must answer this question: "Are you a non-Muslim aged 18 years and above?" If you answer "No", then you're blocked from accessing the site any further.

This lends to the question: Since 55% of the Malaysian population is Muslim, why are organizers staging the concert in that country? And what's next? Airplanes for Muslims only?



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