Friday, August 28, 2009

Perv Convicted of Sexually Assauting Teens Won't Go to Prison Because He Has a Heart Condition

A sexual pervert has been sparred jail time for molesting several teenage girls because he has a bad heart.


Keith Ogunsola, pictured, an English school teacher, was found guilty of sexual assault. Several students, between the ages of 14 and 15, said he asked them if they've given their boyfriends a professional and touched them inapprorpately -- and then there was this - he forced his old, dusty tongue down the throat of one of those young girls.

"He put his arms around my waist and said "do you want a kiss?" the girl testified. "He pulled me close and then kissed me and put his tongue in my mouth. I pushed him away. He pulled me really close. He was holding my wrists and he kissed me again."

While the 44-year-old was sexually assaulting her, he asked, "Aren't you supposed to be my Valentine?"

To which the girl responded: "...You have got a wife and kids and I have got a boyfriend."

"Dump your boyfriend," she said he told her. "He used to ask about my boyfriend. When I said my friend is coming to school today, he asked "Are you trying to make me jealous?

After being found guilty by a jury he was sentenced to only three months in prison. The judge also barred him from every stepping foot in a classroom again and he was added to the sex offenders' registry for five years.

The judge will review whether he is fit to serve prison in a year.

First a mass murder in the likes of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, who was recently released from a Scottish prison because he has terminal prostate cancer, now this sick bastard.



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