Monday, August 31, 2009

Sarah Palin is Busy Writing a Book...

...hopes she hired an editor and ghostwriter.

When Sarah Palin became a big quitter and gave up her job as governor of Alaska, many were wondering what she'll do next.

She's writing a book.

And from what her father, Chuck Heath, discloses, it's shaping up to be a snore fest.

"Sarah’s been out of town for almost a month now,” he said “I don’t know exactly where she is, but she’s writing her book. She e-mails me quite frequently. She asks, ‘Oh, what happened on June 13, 1978?’ This is material for her book.”

According to Politico, Sarah is asking dad "trivial" questions about sports, like how many points she scored during a basketball game.

If you recall, the last time we read something Sarah wrote, we were embarrassed for her.



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