Charlene Cothran used to be a big ole lesbian and gay rights activist. She also founded Venus magazine, a publication for African-American lesbians in Atlanta. But, after she found Jesus in 2006 she flipped the script: she hates gays and believes it's a learned behavior; her magazine now promotes the ex-gay movement.
If you want a few minutes of chuckle-ation, take a listen to this donkey.
Man Punched Girlfriend's Two Kids in the Stomach (Probably Killing One), Obviously She's Defending Him
*Ding. Ding. Ding* And we have a winner for Donkey of the Week. It's 26-year-old Ashley Harvey. While babysitting Ashley's four kids (ages 8 months t ...
Mother Punched Her Son in Face Because He's 'Too Feminine, Gay'
Police in Memphis have arrested Jacqueline Alexander and charged her with domestic assault after she beat her son for being too feminine and gay. Ac ...
This Lady Tried to Buy iPads with EBT Card
I just can't with Tracy Browning. Not today. Never.
source: WHAS ...
Perv Stabs Computer with Samurai Swords As He's Being Arrested for Downloading Kiddie Pr0n
And the Donkey of the Day is this guy. Kamil Mezalka, 21, of Palm Coast, Florida, faces up to 20 years in prison for downloading child pornography ov ...
Food Network Chef Jailed After Having Sex With 14-year-old Boy in a Best Buy Parking Lot
A celebrity chef who owns Café du Soleil and appeared on a Food Network program called "Chef du Jour" was arrested last Thursday at his NYC apartmen ...
"Teach homosexuality?" How does one TEACH homosexuality? This is foolishness. Nobody is teaching, in a classroom, "this is how you become a homosexual". People really need to stop Misinforming. A class on sexuality, would explain what it is, but NOBODY is TEACHING homosexuality.
OMG, who is this lady??? Wow. I'm just blown away at some of her comments. First, the part where she says that "there's always more" - this is very dangerous and made me cringe. she says that there is a gay agenda. Where is it? I didn't get a copy. Wow. And then, she says that "they want to be able to be naked in the park" - WTF is this lady talking about?? She's acting like sex in the park is limited to GAYS?? OMG - this is total BS. She is angry or upset or something and it's mightly interesting how the one man talks about the school "switch" day like it taught the kids homosexuality. If you don't like boys you don't like boys. If you like girls, you like girls. That's that. You can't be something you ain't. I don't get what the drama is about. The way this is being addressed by this woman is very dangerous, but if this is what "God" has put on her heart, I'd like to see a little bit more LOVE and HEALING, and not laughing and chuckling and self-loathing. It's so obvious that she now hates what she "once was" and now in the face of these "brothers" humping her shoulders like she represents all Black Gay Men & Women. Wow. She had an opportunity to heal and unite, and with this she will only hurt & divide. I thought that's what Christ was all about. But then again, when Jesus stood in front of Pilate, the people chanted that he be put to death and that Barnabas, a killer/prisoner, be set free. So people have always done crazy stuff thinking they know what and who Jesus/Christ is... and they don't. Church.
My uncle was gay for many years. Than all of a sudden in 2007 he met a women who he loves. And they have been married for 3 years. Also he says he don't have any desires to go back to that homosexual lifestyle.
"Teach homosexuality?" How does one TEACH homosexuality? This is foolishness.
Nobody is teaching, in a classroom, "this is how you become a homosexual". People really need to stop Misinforming. A class on sexuality, would explain what it is, but NOBODY is TEACHING homosexuality.
OMG, who is this lady??? Wow. I'm just blown away at some of her comments. First, the part where she says that "there's always more" - this is very dangerous and made me cringe. she says that there is a gay agenda. Where is it? I didn't get a copy. Wow. And then, she says that "they want to be able to be naked in the park" - WTF is this lady talking about?? She's acting like sex in the park is limited to GAYS?? OMG - this is total BS. She is angry or upset or something and it's mightly interesting how the one man talks about the school "switch" day like it taught the kids homosexuality. If you don't like boys you don't like boys. If you like girls, you like girls. That's that. You can't be something you ain't. I don't get what the drama is about. The way this is being addressed by this woman is very dangerous, but if this is what "God" has put on her heart, I'd like to see a little bit more LOVE and HEALING, and not laughing and chuckling and self-loathing. It's so obvious that she now hates what she "once was" and now in the face of these "brothers" humping her shoulders like she represents all Black Gay Men & Women. Wow. She had an opportunity to heal and unite, and with this she will only hurt & divide. I thought that's what Christ was all about. But then again, when Jesus stood in front of Pilate, the people chanted that he be put to death and that Barnabas, a killer/prisoner, be set free. So people have always done crazy stuff thinking they know what and who Jesus/Christ is... and they don't. Church.
Sounds like she had quite an epiphany. It's good she was able to turn her live around.
My uncle was gay for many years. Than all of a sudden in 2007 he met a women who he loves. And they have been married for 3 years. Also he says he don't have any desires to go back to that homosexual lifestyle.
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