An Australian stripper who was accused of raping the best man with a dildo at a bachelor party was found not guilty.
Linda Maree Naggs' lawyer argued that the alleged rape was accidental and asked what led the man to "place himself in proximity to the dildo", which was described as "arguably statuesque."
When the man, who was on all fours and naked from the knees up, asked Linda not to go near his anus, she allegedly said: "Not a problem. Relax. It's only fun. I won't go there."
"I was pretty upset at that stage," the man said. "I could feel something was there."
The victim's lawyer said that soon after Linda applied cream or lubricant to his client's anus, he felt a sharp pain, a thrust and the dildo "go right into his anal passage."
He said the man was hurt and shocked and after Linda allegedly told him not to worry because "only you and I know."
His response to her: "What the fuck did you do that for, you stupid bitch."
The best man told the court he scuffled with Linda and told her to leave.
"She said it was just a joke, just a joke. I knew that there was something wrong down there."
He said when he asked for his money back, the stripper threatened to call the cops.
Witnesses told the court that when she was leaving the house she repeatedly said "sorry", and one said Linda claimed "it was an accident".
"This is the case of the accidental rape, if there was one," her lawyer told the court.
The man reported the incident to police later that day while a medical examination showed a small abrasion below his anal verge "most likely caused by blunt trauma."
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