Thursday, October 29, 2009

15-Year-Old Girl is Beaten, Robbed, Gang-Raped as Dozens Cheer, Film the Crime

We've been monitoring this story for a few days now and it has us wondering: What the eff is wrong with people?!

Five people, ranging in age from 15 to 21, have been arrested in connection with an attack on a 15-year-old girl outside her high school homecoming dance last Saturday night at Richmond High School in Richmond, in the San Francisco area.

The police believe as many as 10 people, ranging in age from 15 to mid-20s, raped and eventually robbed the girl in a dark alley behind campus during an ordeal that 2 1/2 hours. As many as two dozen people watched and recorded the heinous crime on their cell phones. Not one of them notified the police.

Police were alerted after a female student overheard two witnesses talking about a girl being rapoed. She called 911 and told dispatchers what she had heard.

When police arrived, the girl was still being raped! The suspects fled as officers found the girl lying in the alley. She was unconscious and naked from the waist up.

According to KCBS TV reports: "two campus security guards who would have typically patrolled the area where the attack occurred were sent home as of 9 p.m. on dance night because the school district didn't want to incur overtime."

The girl was released from hospital yesterday.

The suspects, including Manuel Ortega, 19, pictured, have been charged with rape with a foreign object while acting in concert, kidnapping. If found guilty, they can spend the rest of their lives in prison.



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