Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bad News: Guests Desert Wendy For Wanda Sykes, Mo'Nique. Good News: Wendy Is Returning to Radio (fingers crossed)

The folks over at Queerty are reporting that Wanda Sykes' upcoming Saturday night talk show on Fox is "stealing" the celebrity bookings from Wendy's talk show which, you know, has been "black-listed."

Even RuPaul told Wendy to put her show waaay back there, choosing not to appear on Wendy's Halloween special! If that is true, then that's a mayjah issue, dahling. Ru has visited Wendy's radio show several times and we thought they had a rapport. The last time she was on, was last February.

The celebrities aren't just leaving Wendy for Wanda's show, they're all heading to Mo'Nique's talk show, too. And to add insult to injury, Wendy's ratings are plummeting on BET and is gaining some viewers because it has Mo'Nique's show as its lead-in.

But there is good news: Wendy is coming back to radio! Wait, didn't she just say her radio career was over? Anyhoo, she's reportedly looking to sign a deal with Sirius/XM radio.

Wendy shines on the radio so we hope she returns soon.

Update: Wanda will be on Wendy's show Nov. 6.



Le Nouveau Noir said...

Monique is funny and apparently a good dramatic actress...

She SUCKS as a talk show host... Horrible.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad Wendy's crashing and burning on TV, but I hope she comes back to radio where she belongs.

jason said...

I love Wendy on tv, she's better then all the other talk show host. That being said I would love her on XM radio. Try and do both girl!

Anonymous said...

Is Wanda's show being taped in NYC?

Anonymous said...

Whitney Houston would have put Wendy ahead of the rest. She needs a really good high profile interview (not Omarosa) to let America know she's in the building! I hope the XM thing works out her, I miss the sound effects and drama on the radio

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