Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's Now OK to Photograph Mariah From Her Left Side, Just Do It After She's Done Having Phone Sex

As Mariah is out promoting her new album and film, Precious, which is a shoe-in for picture of the year, she revealed that she doesn't demand to be photographed only from her right side anymore.

"I don't feel like, 'Oh, I have to be on this side, or I have to be on this side. I really had specific things that someone told me when I was 19 starting in the business and I listened to them. ... I don't care anymore," she told the AP. "Sometimes I like that side and Nick likes that side better anyway."

Also in the interview, Mariah reveals how she and Nick keep cope with being apart.

"There's lots of phone sex! And when I get home, we have a big party!"

Can you imagine Mariah having phone sex (or actual sex, for that matter)? We can't.



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