Monday, November 23, 2009

Martha Stewart Ends Feud With Rachel Ray, Starts One With Sarah Palin

Last week convicted felon Martha Stewart told ABC News that Rachel Ray is an entertainer with a bubbly personality who can't cook. Dem some fightin' words. But, Rachel agreed with Martha's characterization of her, saying Martha was "right." What?! In that same ABC interview, Rachel said that she would "rather eat Martha's [meal] than mine." Realizing how condescending her comments were, Martha apologized.

On her show this morning, Martha said: "I just want to take this opportunity just to address some comments that are circulating on the Internet regarding me and Rachael Ray. And just for the record there are no bad feelings between us nor have there ever been. I truly believe that Rachael has done a terrific job bringing people, many people who would of never of even stepped into the kitchen or made a dish to cook. I applaud Rachel for her enthusiastic approach to cooking and I really had a great time being a guest on her show and it was a lot of fun to have her on this show making pie with me to. Come on back Rachael, anytime you want and I hope you have a Yum-o Thanksgiving."

But wait! While the Rachel-Martha feud is toast, Martha has a new feud brewing. In an interview with CNN, she calls Sarah Palin "confused" and "a very dangerous person." She also says of the former governor: "Anyone like that in government is a real problem."



Anonymous said...

Martha is a Dem and that's why the last administration went after her.

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