Thursday, November 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean's Failed Attempt to Quit an Interview, Ex Says She's a Liar

Last night on Larry King Live, former Miss California Carrie "I Have a Sextape" Prejean exhibited why California asked for its crown back. When Larry asked her a very basic question, she got all indignant and threatened to walk off the show. And, oh, that's not before waving her book wildly in front of the camera with a smile plastered on her face. Then later, after removing the microphone Larry asked her another question asked to which she replied, "No, I can’t hear you." What?! Oh, the hilarity!

Not too long ago she settled a lawsuit with the Miss California organization and last night Larry asked her why she settled. She somehow felt Larry was being "inappropriate." Clearly she has no idea what the word means. Granted she can't speak about the terms of the settlement because that is confidential, but why she settled isn't. So, she threatened to leave, saying, "I think you’re being extremely inappropriate right now. And I’m about to leave your show." She better get her 15 minutes in now, because come next week when her "hero", former governor Sarah Palin's book (which is only five chapters long) is released, it will be all Palin all the time and everyone will forget about Carrie and her book.

But, wait, there's more! TMZ tracked down the ex-boyfriend who she sent that sextape to. He told the Web site, Carrie was not 17, as she would like everyone to believe. He says she was 20. And she and/or her people have called him several times asking to him lie to say she was 17. He told her no. The ex also said she sent him between 15 to 20 different tapes of her masturbating and when he met her back in Feb. 2007 for the first time, they got a hotel room and had sex for four days straight. Now, is that what Jesus would do?

Update: Carrie's ex-boss, Keith Lewis president of the Miss California pageant, says she's crazy.
"The public is finally getting a glimpse of the real Carrie Prejean who lives in her own delusional world. The childish behavior, her negative attitude, the sarcasm and condescending tone, the disrespect and continual lying she is demonstrating now is only a fraction of what we endured during her reign and after. Anyone who buys her book is supporting a woman who is actually the opposite of everything she claims to be. I sincerely hope she is able to get the psychological help I believe she has shown to clearly need."




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