Wednesday, November 18, 2009

'Hit The Bitch' Anti-Violence PSA

Someone actually thought this game was a fantastic - or should we say, fantastisk - idea. Really.

"Made by a Danish advocacy group as a web campaign (, the site allows you to use your computer's mouse to move a gigantic hand so that it repeatedly strikes a female model in the face. The site then rates each hit on a scale beginning at "100% pussy" and ending at "100% gangsta." As you hit the woman her face begins to show bruises, and once enough blows are struck and the user reaches "100% gangsta," the woman falls down and the phrase "100% IDIOT!" appears on the screen. It then shows her sobbing and grabbing her neck in agony on the floor. The spot's message about violence is then presented in Danish while mournful music plays in the background."



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