Thursday, November 5, 2009

This Woman Has TWO Vaginas!

We receive dozens of press releases a day, but the subject line of this one in particular -- "International Exclusive: Woman with TWO Vaginas!" -- had us intrigued.

Now, really, how could we not open that message.

On tomorrow's edition of the Tyra show, Tyra talks with Lauren Williams, a 29-year-old born with two vaginas! Two uteruses! Two cervixes!

Plus, she believes she has two periods.

"I think so because my periods generally last about 21 days...When I was a teenager I had really heavy periods...I would have to change pads every hour," she tells Tyra.

And that's not it, Lauren could potentially get pregnant -- while already pregnant.

"The doctor in England said pregnancy wise, it should be okay...if I do get pregnant it should push the other uterus over to one side and keep it out of the way. Me and my partner would need to plan on using condoms just in case I got pregnant in the other one," she says.

The press release promises that Lauren shows what her two vaginas look like and describes what it's like to have sex with both those things.

We're so there!

Update: Here's Lauren on the show.

Tyra, we love the dramatics. We did some research and found out that Lauren's condition (although we've never heard of it) is not rare. According to Wikipedia, didelphic uterus, or the condition of having two uteruses and often two vaginas, occurs in 1/3,000 women. So, let's break it down: If half of the 300 million people in the US are women, then there are roughly 50,000 Americans who have two vaginas.



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