Monday, November 30, 2009

Tiger Woods' Wife Swings a Mean Club

At 2:25am last Friday, Tiger Woods backed his black Cadillac Escalade out of his driveway and then ran over a fire hydrant before hitting a tree on a neighbor's property.

According to police, the car's front end was badly damaged and Elin Nordegren (his wife and mother of his two children) used a golf club to break through a back window to remove him from the vehicle.

When police arrived shortly after the accident, the golfer was bleeding from the mouth and was "in and out of it for several minutes," Windermere Police Chief Daniel Saylor told CNN on Friday.

He "was on the ground, semi-unconscious and had lacerations to the upper and lower lips," Saylor said.

According to the Orlando Sentinel the truck's left and right rear side passenger windows were also broken out.

Tiger injuries were considered "serious" and he was treated at a nearby hospital and released.

But, that's just part of the story.

The folks over at TMZ are reporting that Erin wasn't a good Samaritan coming to the aide of her husband after he crashed. Tiger apparently told a friend Erin confronted him over reports he's having an affair with Rachel Uchitel and, during the argument, she scratched his face. To diffuse to situation, Tiger told a friend tried to leave and jumped in his truck, but Erin ran after him with a golf club. As he was driving away, she banged on the vehicle several times causing Tiger to crash into the fire hydrant and the now-famous tree. The truck's airbags didn't deploy (because he was traveling at less than 33 mph). There was no blood on the steering wheel, making it unlikely that his injuries were sustained during the crash. Additionally, he allegedly told a friend that he wasn't drunk at the time, but had been taking painkillers.

According to TMZ, during a conversation last Friday, Tiger told a friend Erin had "gone ghetto" on him and "I have to run to Zales to get a 'Kobe Special.'" The friend asked what a "Kobe Special" was. Tiger told him: "A house on a finger."

Since the incident, Florida Highway Patrol investigators have tried on three separate occassions to interview Tiger and his wife, but the couple has declined to meet with the police.

According to police, Tiger is not obligated to speak to investigators — only to provide his drivers license, registration and proof of insurance. He was not given a breath test, nor was his blood or urine tested. Troopers need probable cause that someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs to demand such tests, and they had none.

Tiger released this statement on his Web site, instead.

"As you all know, I had a single-car accident earlier this week, and sustained some injuries. I have some cuts, bruising and right now I'm pretty sore. This situation is my fault, and it's obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I'm human and I'm not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn't happen again. This is a private matter and I want to keep it that way. Although I understand there is curiosity, the many false, unfounded and malicious rumors that are currently circulating about my family and me are irresponsible. The only person responsible for the accident is me. My wife, Elin, acted courageously when she saw I was hurt and in trouble. She was the first person to help me. Any other assertion is absolutely false. This incident has been stressful and very difficult for Elin, our family and me. I appreciate all the concern and well wishes that we have received. But, I would also ask for some understanding that my family and I deserve some privacy no matter how intrusive some people can be."

Police released one of the 911 calls received from a neighbor after the "crash."

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