Friday, December 18, 2009

Man Cuts Off His Balls Because He Doesn't Want to Cheat on Wife Who Isn't Giving Him Sex. What?!

Most men whose wives refuse to have sex with them would cheat or file for a divorce. Colombian farmer Luis Alfonso Sanchez is unlike most men. He decided to cut off his balls instead! The 40-year-old says he did it because - like the dogs, cats and pigs he's castrated -- it would deter him from begging his wife for sex. And, oh, he also did it because, as a devout Christian, he doesn't want to cheat on his wife. A divorce would have been less painful. Then again, some Christians don't believe in divorce, but they do believe in having gay sex with male prostitutes. Weird.


Walter said...

I hate to say this but........They make pocket pussies or flesh lights and things of that nature. Maybe a divorce would have been best.

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