Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Man Tries to Retrieve iPod From Tracks When He's Blown To Smithereens By Oncoming Train

We often wonder (OK, not really) what happens if we dropped our iPhones or iPods on to the train tracks. Do we jump down to get it or do we leave it and keep it moving?

After reading this morning's paper, we have decided that we'd rather let the rats have it -- our lives are much more important.

A 33-year-old Hispanic man was having a heated argument with someone on his cell phone last night when he dropped his iPod onto the tracks at the 110 Street train station in Manhattan. What happened next is nothing short of a scene in you'd see in one of those Hollywood blockbuster movies.

One witness said: "I saw a guy sitting on the stairs talking on his cellphone, then I saw him leaning over the tracks watching for a train to come, when, all of a sudden, he was nowhere to be found."

A "B" train entering the station had taken him for the ride of his life.

"He went on the tracks for his MP3 player, picked it up, and stood up just in time for the train to hit him head on and drag him. He just wasn't quick enough," police said.

Train service was interrupted for hours because it took MTA employees HOURS to clean up the station because the man was so badly dismembered and his guts were strewn all over the tracks.

That iPod, however, was probably all intact.



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