Monday, December 14, 2009

Mother of Boy Pleasure P is Alleged to Have Molested Says He Didn't Touch Her Child, He Was Charged With Touching Someone Else's Child

A woman who identifies herself as "Reese" and claims to be the mother of the four-year-old boy Pleasure P is accused of molesting, gave Isis Wisdom, a blog radio host, her side of the story. Frankly, Reese should have kept silent, because she made this sad story a lot more confusing while unwittingly incriminating Pleasure P.

While Reese says Pleasure P "never did anything to my child" she adds that she doesn't want to "cause [him] any harm" by coming forward, yet she calls him a liar and cites his "background" as a child molester as the reason why her son was removed from the home he shared with the singer and his father, Joseph Smith.

The contradictions don't end there, however.

She says (many, many times) the paperwork is real, but then they aren't. She says she doesn't know who Andrew Sigel, the judge who signed the leaked court papers, is, but earlier she said he was her lawyer.

Girl, get your story together.


Anonymous said...

I think she may have leaked the paperwork on the internet. Why else would you try so hard to prove something to be true that you don't want revealed?

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