Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tiger Woods' Jumpoff Rachel Uchitel Finally Speaks To The Media About Affair ... Or Not

Where in the world is Tiger Woods? In sex rehab in Phoenix, perhaps? Or is he healing from emergency facial reconstruction surgery after wife Elin beat his ass with a golf club last November when she learned he was jumping off with Rachel Uchitel?

Speaking of that skettel, Palm Beach's WPBF 25 News swooped down on Rachel (AAARRGGGGHHH!) at her family home to ask what everyone wants to know: Is she still having sex with Tiger? And to everyone's surprise, Rachel gave an interview -- albeit brief -- saying she can't confirm or deny whether she and Tiger are still getting it in.

Reporter Terri Parker even swooped down on Regis Philbin, who is recovering from hip replacement surgery, to ask him about Tiger and Rachel's affair.

WPBF is on it! Work those sources!

BTW: The Florida Highway Patrol has said Tiger had a "fat lip" and no other visible facial injuries when he met with officers on Dec. 1 at an undisclosed location in Orlando after the infamous nightclubbing incident. The FHP wanted to see if Tiger had any injuries that would show he was a victim of domestic violence; He had none.


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