Friday, January 8, 2010

Human Spiders Documentary

We were utterly fascinated and deeply moved by this, so we decided to post it.

Via the Discovery Channel:
Twin conjoined sisters Ganga and Jamuna Necha are joined at the pelvis and get around walking, crablike, on their hands and two shared legs. Now approaching forty, they want to know how they are joined both internally and externally, and wonder for the first time - do they need to be separated to stay health or even to survive? But the prospect of separation scares them. Even if it will be possible, are they ready for it?

In Wisconsin, toddler twins Mateo and McHale Shaw were given less than a 5% chance of survival when they were born joined at the spine, but have just celebrated their third birthdays. Lively and more mobile than any doctors expected, they are making remarkable progress getting used to life in separate bodies. But will they ever be able to take their first steps?

Finally, the program delves into the dramatic case of eight-limbed baby Rishabh Ghimire and discovers why separation from his parasitic twin is essential. The child is deified as a living god by some, so will the parents dare opt for drastic surgery?



Anonymous said...

yeah i saw that. i love that stuff. its amazing. those boys sadly suffered some damage and cant walk and some of their nerves in their legs dont even work.

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