Friday, January 29, 2010

John Edwards' Sex Tape Really Does Exist, Rielle Hunter Wants It Back

Remember the John Edwards sex tape we told you about earlier in the week? Well Andrew Young, John's former bestie who has written a tell-all exposing his former boss as a liar and a cheat, says he found the tape in July 2008 and it clearly shows John (with his big penis) having sex with a pregnant woman -- his jumpoff and baby mother Rielle Hunter.

Andrew tells ABC News, "There was one tape that was marked 'special'. It's a sex tape of Rielle and John Edwards made just a couple of months before the Iowa caucuses. It's definitely him... but you see -- you clearly see his face for a long time. And I can't speak for the other body parts, but it's definitely his face," he says on 20/20 airing tonight.

Here's a preview:

Now Rielle has confirmed the woman on the tape is her.

She filed a lawsuit against Andrew and his wife seeking a jury trial and damages for invasion of privacy and was granted a temporary restraining order this morning seeking the return of photos and that much talked about sex tape.

"In or about September 2006, using my video camera, I authored a personal video recording that depicted matters of a very private and personal nature," Rielle wrote in an affidavit filed yesterday. "In 2006, I was also having an intimate relationship with Edwards. The decision was made that the Video be destroyed" in December 2006, she wrote. She said she pulled out the tape from the cassette and stored it in a box with personal belongings.


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