Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Michael Jackson's Official Death Certificate; Dr Murray May Not Face Charges

Michael Jackson' official death certificate, which declares the singer's death was as a result of “acute propofol intoxication” and “intravenous injection by another" has been released.

Which, in a nutshell, means he was murdered.

But, we knew that months ago.

But, who will be responsible? Although all the fingers have been pointed at Dr. Conrad Murray, who injected Michael with the lethal dose, he may not be charged, as previously reported.

Jane Robison, a spokeswoman for the L.A. district attorney’s office, told Entertainment Weekly that the good doctor will be indicted on charges of involuntary manslaughter are false. “Nothing has changed,” she said. “It’s a bogus report. We don’t have the case.”

A spokeswoman for Dr. Murray said: “We have refused to comment on stories involving unnamed sources and will continue to do so. However, we can confirm that we have not received notice of an impaneled grand jury and Dr. Murray has not been invited to testify. J. Michael Flanagan was added to Dr. Conrad Murray’s defense team this past week. His offices are in Glendale, California.”

Now, since Conrad may not stand trial, can we put the aide responsible in jail, because Joe Jackson may kill someone.



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