Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Priest Arrested, Charged With Shoplifting

A Roman Catholic priest -- who needs a refresher course on the Ten Commandments -- was accused of shoplifting butter and a sofa cover at a Wal-Mart in southern Illinois, according to police.

Rev. Steven Poole, 41, was arrested on Friday and charged with two felony theft counts. Investigators said Steven failed to scan a $3.22 container of butter and a $60 sofa cover at a self-checkout.

OK, maybe he forgot.

But, police say Steven then went to the store's bedding section, picked up a memory foam mattress and switched the pricing bar code. That caused the $145 item to be scanned for $31. Cops also found in his possession a stolen laptop computer power pack.

He's been charged with two counts of theft. Both felonies.



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