Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Remember The Chick That Went Berserk in McDonald's?

Well, she got arrested.

Alesha McMullen, 19, told police she ordered a cheeseburger snack wrap at the McDonald's Dec. 27 and became angry when she was given a regular cheeseburger instead, according to the Kansas City Star.

Employees told police they made Alesha a replacement burger, but she refused it. Instead she wanted a wanted. When they wouldn't give her a refund, she went crazy causing about $3,000 in damage.

When cops showed up to arrest her, Alesha was found hiding in a closet.

She was charged with a felony count of property damage.

After being released, she updated her Facebook status to this:
"Just got out .. It wasnt s***. Eye juss sat n da city jail 4 a couple days.. 12 yearz wat .. F*** dat meh got a life2 live .. Jail aint 4meh.. Meh not a animal.. N f*** da sucka.z dat gave meh name im lmmfaorh.. Cuz meh frreehh u haterz wanted me gone but im bakk ..yea blow wit meh doe im out freehh me bro loveU2 death bonnie sign.n aahhff.."

Does anyone understand that? What the hell is she saying?



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