Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tiger Woods Phoning It In At Sex Rehab

So, you guys, it appears that Tiger Woods is in the very unsexy town of Hattiesburg, Mississippi getting help for his philandering at the clinic run by the man who coined the term "sex addiction."

According to the National Enquirer -- who were the first to get the first photo of Tiger since that night last November when he and wife Elin Norgedren went nightclubbing and he ended up with broken bones and missing teeth -- Tiger entered the six-week treatment program at Gentle Path (part of Pine Grove Behavioral Heath and Addiction Services clinic) on Dec. 30 in a last ditch effort to save his marriage. Well, to let them tell it, Tiger was reluctant to enter rehab, but Elin threatened to divorce him, if he didn't get help. So, he went.

The Enquirer says the clinic has a "family week" which calls for Elin (who will stay in a home Tiger has rented for her nearby) to spend seven full days of counselling and "Disclosure Day" which, which be difficult. On D-Day, Tiger must tell Elin all the salacious details of his affairs with more than two dozen whores.

But, it appears, that even at Gentle Path, Tiger is getting the celebrity treatment.

Sources tell the tabloid, the golfer has a maid to clean his room (other patients are required to clean their own rooms) and unlike everyone else, Tiger doesn't attend group-counselling sessions. (Tiger has one-on-one counselling.)

"When Tiger enters one of the public areas, other patients have been told they have to leave the room," a sources says. "Other patients share a cabin, but Tiger has his own. His special privileges are causing a lot of resentment." (He also spent $100,000 renovating the cabin before moving in.) His cabin had been outfitted with video surveillance.

Which would explain why one of the patients -- or someone at the facility -- snitched about his whereabouts.

Here's a look at the treatment, just in case you have $60,000 and think you're a sex addict.

The day begins with breakfast and meditation, meetings with Spirituality group, and continues with films, study "shame reduction work," lectures and counselling on setting sexual boundaries.

Upon entering, new arrivals fill out a sexual history, detailing their encounters and revealing how their sexual addiction has damaged their lives.

Patients are divided into different groups according to their sexual problems -- ranging fro the run-of-the-mill sex addicts, to those hooked on porn, prostitutes or compulsive masturbation.

During counselling sessions, they use a "stop word," which is written on a blackboard. If a patient is reciting a sexual story and another patients starts getting aroused, they shout the "stop word" and everyone stops everything until things cool down.

An "urge card," carried by patients reminds them what to do if they experience an inappropriate urge -- including taking a breath to relax, call a friend, and recite the Serenity Prayer.

The regimen also emphasizes yoga, spirituality, exercise - and even includes use of an obstacle course. After the program concludes, the center follows up by helping patients get continuing therapy.

Gentle Path's statistics show that 64 percent of patients do not relapse with six months of getting out of the center.

The patients are not always couped up in the cabins. Twice a week they have supervised trips to Wal-Mart. Yay. Otherwise, they're locked behind the fence and can't leave the property at night, according a Hollywood Life source.

Men and women at the Gentle Path live together, therefore the dress code is strictly enforced so as to prevent any tents from being pitched and any headlights to be turned on. Wink. Wink.

“There have been a few instances where people have engaged in sexual conduct with other members. But then they get kicked out of the program. The program is based on the honor code — no one is watching you to make sure you don’t masturbate," the source added.

Everyone must be in bed by 10:30pm and up to go by 6:30am the next day.

Source: National Enquirer, Feb. 1, print edition. source 2


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