Monday, January 4, 2010

We Guess Kathy Griffin Will Be Returning That Check to CNN

We adore Kathy Griffin. She's outrageous and messy and we love it. During last Thursday's LIVE New Year's Eve broadcast on CNN, that she co-hosted with GBFF Anderson Cooper, she left an F-bomb fly. While discussing some of 2009's biggest pop culture stories, the duo got to talking about Balloon Boy Falcon Heene and his father Richard. Anderson interrupted her to say “My favorite moment was when Balloon Boy - Falcon - interrupted to say ‘Who the hell is Wolf?’” On cue, Kathy asks: “Fal– Fuckin? Falcon? How do you say it?” Anderson then says, "You’re terrible. Really terrible." In 2008, Kathy got into some trouble with the suits at CNN after she told a heckler, “Screw you. Why don’t you get a job, buddy? I don’t go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth.” As part of her contract for the last Thursday's show, Kathy was barred from using lewd language or she'll have to return whatever monies CNN paid her.

Kathy said in a statement: “Like every other serious reporter covering the now infamous balloon boy hoax, I struggled to pronounce his name ‘Falcon’ correctly and have gotten a kick out of how many ways I’ve heard it pronounced by other serious reporters. Just add me to that list and happy new year!”

CNN said it “regrets that profanity was used during our New Year’s Eve coverage.”


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