Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We Want One NOW!!!

After much hype and speculation, Steve Jobs has finally revealed the Apple iPad -- a tablet computer that costs as little as $499 for the basic model.

The New York Times says:
Its features and specifications, once the stuff of Internet myth, are now sharply in focus: The half-inch thick, 1.5-pound device will feature a 9.7-inch multitouch screen and is powered by a custom Apple microchip, called the A4. The iPad will have the same operating system as the iPhone and access to its 140,000 applications. The price of the device will be $499 for the most basic model, with a Wi-Fi wireless connection. More expensive models will be offered with more memory and with 3G wireless access from AT&T, which will charge up to $30 for an unlimited monthly data plan. Wi-Fi-only versions of the device will be available in March, Apple said, with the more expensive 3G models coming 30 days after that. The most expensive models, with 64 gigabytes of memory and 3G connectivity, will cost $829.
The drawbacks: There is no flash software, camera and it doesn't make phone calls, but you can buy a separate keyboard and stand. On the good note, we can finally put our Kindle up for sale on eBay, because the iPad's got an app for that.



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