Friday, January 22, 2010

Wyclef's Yèle Haiti Charity Comes Under Attack, Now There Are IRS Tax Liens Against Him?

Wyclef's charitable foundation Yèle Haiti has been under criticism for mismanaging funds. Primarily, why more than a half million dollars was paid to companies owned by Wycelf and why more monies were spent than what was received in donations. He has denied taking money for personal benefit, but the questions still linger. He's also said he started the charity with a million of his own dollars, but the folks over at Gawker did some digging and found that Wyclef did not donate any money to Yèle in the year it was founded (2005). Well, specifically from January 2005 to November 2005 there were no contributions from Wyclef, instead there were donations from Russell Simmons and others totaling $680,409.24. Plus, there has always been the question of why he was demanding a $100,000 fee to perform at a Yèle fundraiser in 2006. Now, CBS4 in Florida has found that the IRS placed liens totaling $5,278,430.10 against Wyclef, his wife Claudinette and some of his businesses. We believe Wyclef's intentions are good (just like the Red Cross and Salvation Army who have faced their own scandals), but we're happy the charity has hired a new accounting firm to clean up all this mess!

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