Thursday, March 25, 2010

50 Cent Wants to Have Unprotected Sex With Beyoncè, Lady Gaga, Rihanna

While on a recent visit across the pond, 50 Cent gave an interview to MTV UK in which he was talking real crazy.

“I would kiss Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Rihanna. I would marry Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Rihanna in Africa, I’d have 3 wives! And I would avoid wearing condoms and have really big families!” he said.

When British media quote Americans it never really sounds authentic. For instance, we can't imagine 50 ever phrasing that sentence that way. But, hey, we have no reason to believe the rapper didn't say these things.

50 also addressed the supposed double-standards in the music industry.

“I think it’s hot [the 'Telephone' video]. But there’s a shot in the video in the diner that’s just breasts. And it looks great, but if I shot the same shot in my music video, they would make me edit that immediately....Even if I had someone who was recognisable female talent that was part of the project, they wouldn’t allow that to go. They would think it was you taking advantage of a girl for marketing purposes or whatever.....It’s their personal perception of your intentions of how you utilise it. Like ‘it’s Britney bitch’ nobody has a problem with that. But if I say ‘it’s Fifty bitch’ everyone’s like oh my god! You got to edit that.”



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