Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chef Serves Cheese Made From Wife's Breast Milk

A NYC chef (pictured above with his wife and kid) has created a cheese made from his wife's breast milk and customers are clammouring for it; They can't get enough.

The New York Post reports:
This Chelsea restaurant has gone from brasserie to brassiere.

Chef Daniel Angerer is letting diners at Klee Brasserie munch on cheese made from his wife's breast milk.

"It tastes like cow's-milk cheese, kind of sweet," he told The Post.

The flavor depends on what the cheese is served with -- Angerer recommends a Riesling -- and "what the mother eats," said Angerer, who once bested Bobby Flay on TV's "Iron Chef."

Breast milk doesn't curdle well due to its low protein content, so a little moo juice has to be added to round out the texture, Angerer said.

After blogging about his efforts with the human cheese, customers started demanding a sample, he said.

"The phone was ringing off the hook," the chef said. "So I prepared a little canapé of breast-milk cheese with figs and Hungarian pepper."

The response has been generally positive from those who've tried the cheese, although many customers are too squeamish to attempt it.

"I think a lot of the criticism has to do with the combination of sex and cheese, but . . . the breast is there to make food," said Lori Mason, the chef's wife.
Although the health department doesn't forbid the practice (who knew?), they have "advised" Daniel to take it off the menu.



Florida Science said...

If anyone thinks this is weird then I dont understand why. We are humans. Why are humans drinking cow milk? Why arent we drinking our own milk? We aren't calf's. We dont need that fatty milk. Breastmilk isnt "best" for anyone. Its normal for everyone.

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