Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Girl Arrested For Selling 7-year-old Sister For Sex

A 15-year-old New Jersey girl has been charged with aggravated sexual assault, promoting prostitution and other crimes after she prostituted herself and her 7-year-old stepsister at a party attended by more than a dozen men and boys last weekend in Trenton.

The AP reports:
Police said the girls were outside Sunday afternoon in the neighborhood when the 15-year-old ran into two young men she knew who invited her to a party at the apartment. Rather than leave the 7-year-old behind, the teen took her along.
At the party, the 15-year-old starting having sex with several of the men for money and then gave the younger girl some cash to let a group of men touch her, [Trenton police Capt. Joseph Juniak] said. He would not say how much money was exchanged.
"It went from touching to straight out assault and rape," Juniak said. "They threatened to kill her if she screamed or told anyone."
The child later put on her clothes and left the apartment; her sister stayed. Two women found the child crying outside the apartment and walked her home.
By the time she made it home, the cops were at the house because her parents reported them missing.

The nearly vacant public housing complex (read: the projects) where the rape occured is marred by violence, as actual off-duty police officers are hired by management to act as security. The tenant in the apartment where the rape took place was not home, and hasn't been at the resident for some time, the report says. So, cops are puzzled as to how the partygoers got in. They shouldn't be. Just last week, they were there to investigate a call about a home invasion and shooting.

BTW: The 7-year-old victim was treated a hospital and will receive psychological help.

Update: Police arrested 20-year-old Gregory Joseph Leary Wednesday night and charged him with statutory rape and endangering the welfare of a child.



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