Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Howard Stern: Gabourey Sidibe is 'The Most Enormous, Fat Black Chick I’ve Ever Seen'

Howard Stern is known (and paid handsomely) for speaking his mind, but what he said yesterday about Gabourey Sidibe, star of Precious, may have crossed the line. We are gagging because this grease is potent.

Howard said: “There’s the most enormous, fat black chick I’ve ever seen. She is enormous. Everyone’s pretending she’s a part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie. She should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?”

Co-host Robin Quivers, who used to be/still is a big girl, took a stab at Gabby -- and at Oprah! -- saying “Oprah’s lying and saying you’re going to have a brilliant career.”

To which Howard said, “Oprah’s another liar, a filthy liar. She’s telling an enormous woman the size of a planet that she’s going to have a career.”

We can't take it! No, sir!

Here's audio:



Anonymous said...

Howard doesn't hold back on anyone or anything and that's what makes him interesting to listen to...and why should he? Now who's idea was it to have Gabby's arms 'covered' at the Oscars after revealing too much at the Golden Globes?? Because her arms were disturbing to watch. Howard speaks what others won't say or are afraid to. What he said I hardly noticed b/c it didn't bother me and I listen everyday! So what he said that, he's said far more worse things about Jay Leno that were the truth! I like Gabourey and she's on top of the world right now, but as with everything what goes up, must come down. Not to mention, nothing lasts forever. And Oprah's sooo annoying. As if she's Gabby's publicist. Oprah, look down.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I get so riled up when someone gets ripped because of their looks! Gabby is a beautiful, talented young lady - who cares what dress size she wears?

Syd said...

I hope he's wrong. I haven't seen her movie, but her interview presence is very endearing. Sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

Noticed Howard was singing a different tune today. He stayed clear of calling her 'black' but he did mention that she's unhealthy looking and that Oprah and Monique are not good role models. He called Mo and Gabby out on the types of food they told interviewers they were going to eat out after all the celebration ended..fast and greasy fattening food!

Anonymous said...

Robin Quivers is/was fat. Now she ripping on someone else. Howard, although you have a face for radio, you shouldn't have a radio career.

blupheonix said...

Howard was right on...!

Obesity epidemic in this country, and this is who we are holding up as a role model?? You ask me, Howard was 100% right in saying that the Hollywood types were totally screwing with this big chick... What role will she play next?? So much disingenuous sentiment!!! Sickening..

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