Thursday, March 4, 2010

Man Arrested for Performing Circumcisions on Adult Men in His Home Without License

Thomas Alan Heugel from Sparta, Michigan is a jack of all trades. He's an ordained minister. He's an emergency medical technician. A body piercer. A masseur. A used-car salesman. And he also performs minor surgery -- adult male circumcisions, to be exact.

That last trade, has landed the 56-year-old in jail.

"He needs to be taken off the streets," said a man who identified himself as Thomas' former boyfriend tells the Grand Rapid Press.

The unidentified man said he witnessed the surgeries and then ratted Thomas out to cops.

Investigators say Thomas was performing circumcisions on men he met through ads he placed on Craigslist. They say Thomas allegedly passed himself off as a medical doctor to his patients and performed the procedures at his home. He also wore what looked like uniforms worn by a medical professional and administered a local anesthetic in at least one case.

Thomas was charged with Health Profession-Unauthorized Practice and Occupational Code-Performance Occupation Without a License yesterday. If he's convicted, he faces up to four years in prison.

There is at least some good news: Thomas is a helluva circumciser, none of his surgeries were botched.



Steroids Online said...


ashley said...

well least he wasnt doing it on babies

Anonymous said...

HOW YOU DOIN! He's into all that touchy-feely stuff on guys..piercings, massages and now circumcisions.. smdh

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