Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Man Electrocuted After Urinating on Live Power Line

A 50-year-old Montesano, Washington man was found dead on Friday after he crashed his car into a power pole. But it wasn't the crash that killed him.

Cops believe after the collision, Roy Messenger, who was not seriously hurt, called a relative to pull his car from a ditch. As he waited for his friend to arrive, Roy who was drunk urinated into a roadside ditch but didn't see the live wire. The urine stream likely served as a conductor, allowing the electricity to reach his body.

An autopsy will be performed, but burn marks indicated the way the electricity traveled through Roy's body.



Joann said...

OMG...that's a shame. Poor man.

You have the best videos. Some of this stuff is mind blowing.

Syd said...

Damn! Talk about a weenie roast...

Sarah Chino said...

the irony is killing me. well, i guess it killed him...

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