Church Excommunicates 92-year-old Woman For Not Tithing
A 92-year-old woman is no longer allowed to worship at First African Baptist Church in Bainbridge, Georgia because she doesn't have any money to ti ... 
7-year-old Girl Tells Dad She Isn't Feeling Well, He Shoots Her in Hand, Back
Craig K. Tinsley, 32, of Kansas City was charged with two counts of first-degree domestic assault after he shooting his 7-year-old daughter in the h ... 
Frustrated That His Flight to Jamaica Was Overbooked, Man Strips Naked in Airport
A man reportedly stripped naked in the Charlotte Douglas International Airport this morning after he became angry about a flight being overbooked. A ... 
Meanwhile, in Florida
Fidel Lopez, 24, of Sunrise, Florida called 911 around 3:30 a.m. Sunday and told police his girlfriend, 31-year-old Maria Nemeth, was not breathing ... 
Miss Universe Host Steve Harvey Announces Wrong Winner, Dethrones Her Minutes Later
It's safe to say comedian/talk show host Steve Harvey hosted his first and last Miss Universe pageant tonight. The annual beauty contest was held i ...
Hate to say it but I'm more disturbed by the freaky looking news reporter. The casual look? Bleh.. I guess that's the left coast for ya.
This is why I get up and move to another seat!
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