Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Man Stabs Wife 17 Times With Ice Pick

Wanna hear something cra-zy?

Terry Vanderbilt, 63, pleaded guilty in New Jersey this morning to second-degree aggravated assault for stabbing his wife 17 times with an ice pick back on Feb. 8, 2009. Old man Terry, who - get this - is blind and suffers from diabetes and heart problems, thought he was going to die and figured his 59-year-old wife, Anna, who was taking care of him, should have to die, too.


According to The Star-Ledger:
He told his wife to call the police to let them know he was going to kill her. She did, and a police dispatcher could hear Vanderbilt in the background shouting, "I’m going to kill my wife," authorities have said. The phone went dead and that’s when Vanderbilt began stabbing his wife in the chest and abdomen with the ice pick. He stopped only to let his wife call police again, but then resumed his attack. When police arrived, they heard Anna Vanderbilt’s screams and could see through an open window her husband stabbing her. They broke down the door and subdued Vanderbilt, authorities have said.
One of the stab wounds punchered Anna's lung; she lived. Terry was initially charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and could have faced up 30 years in prison on the first-degree attempted murder charge alone. After his plea this morning, he faces up to 10 years in the clink.



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