Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stephen Baldwin: President Obama is a 'Gangster,' 'Liar'


Actor Stephen Baldwin appeared on Larry King Live last night to talk about the health care reform law President Obama signed into law earlier in the morning and the actor was not pleased, which is not all that surprising. But when Larry asked him about vice president dropping the f-bomb, Stephen took that opportunity to call the president a "gangster" and a "liar." Perhaps Stephen should finally move to Canada as he promised to do in 2008 if Barack became president.

You can read what he said, after the jump.

Stephen: Well, you know, Larry, the Bible says "out of the mouth comes the things that are within our heart." So I'm not surprised that the vice president's a potty mouth. And quite frankly, I think it's official today, Barack Obama is the greatest gangster to ever come out of Chicago. I just think it's amazing.

Larry: Did you agree on the potty mouth thing when Vice President Cheney also used similar expression a while back?

Stephen: Sure, Larry, yeah. He is a potty mouth too. Yeah, he is a potty mouth too. But you know what's funny? I think it's interesting. I'll say what Mr. Romney wasn't willing to say. And that's that Mr. Obama's a liar. He is purely a liar. He's gone and done something, Larry, where half of the country didn't agree with it. So if you say when you're running you're going to do one thing --

Larry: Stephen, to be fair.

Stephen: Go ahead.

Larry: Many didn't agree because they thought it didn't go far enough. So it wasn't just the anti-against it on the right.

Stephen: But when you don't -- when you don't get one Republican vote? That's not -- remember I was on your show last time, Larry. We said is the government broken? The government is broken. This is clearly a definition of that. How can a broken government fix a broken health care system, Larry?


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