Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Those Nude Photos You Took With Your iPhone Are Probably All Over the Internet

Thousands and thousands (addendum: millions!) of iPhone users' private photos have been made public after a lapse in security.

And it's all because of Quip, an app that allowed users to send pictures to each other. Quip stored the private images on a publicly accessible web server without any encryption, making them easy prey for savvy internet users.

For more than a year the photos -- nude images and images of people in various sex acts, screen captures of SMS messages, credit card information and a murder! -- were being accessed secretly, but it wasn't until this week that one hacker posted the code on Digg.com and everyone began to get in on the action.

The app's creator said, "As soon as this post came to our attention, we immediately shut down our servers. We have also now disabled all S3 access and have started to systematically secure all files in the system. We will not bring the system back up until we have adequate security around all files shared over Quip. I apologize to our users for this security breach and promise we will do everything in our power to make sure none of their information is exposed once we bring the service back up."

Then again, there was never any security and people should know better than to take risquè photos of themselves in compromising positions (or in the case of the murder, incriminating photos) then share them with other people.

Wanna see some of the NSFW photos? Go here and here. WTF?!? ) Go here for the photos with no nudity.



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