Friday, March 26, 2010

Wendy Apologizes for 'No Homo' Comment

Earlier this week during a conversation about Dancing With the Stars, apparently (we hardly ever watch; we preferred the radio show) Wendy said, "No homo, but I thought Pam Anderson looked great.”

That statement infuriated long-time LGBT activist Tony Haze, who fired off an e-mail to the show's producers. And, to his surprise, they called him back.

Tony told the Advocate: "[Executive producer, Rob Dauber] said [Wendy's] very pro-gay and that she’s better for the incident happening because she’ll be more aware of what she’s saying. Rob was really, really nice. He took a lot of time to explain, and it didn’t seem like he was rationalizing; he was just explaining that it’s still kind of a new thing for her.”

Moving forward, Rod said Wendy plans to "do better."

This comes on the heels of several missteps in the past with the gay community. Most notably, the show's mistreatment of a drag queen in the audience.



Anonymous said...

And y'all call your blog Wendyista, but don't watch the show that much? Well I don't blame you; actually I feel your sentiment. I never watch her show unless I'm off for the day and I don't record it. I preferred the radio show for many reasons. The radio show enabled you to move around while still listening as Wendy would be blabbing on about the latest scoop. It's just not the same with TV show. Luckily, I have many archives of Wendy's radio show and from time to time, I'll replay them just to reminisce on how things were not that long ago.

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