Friday, March 5, 2010

Woman Crashes Car While Shaving Her Pubic Hair!!!

Everyone knows you shouldn't text and drive and clearly everyone knows you shouldn't be shaving your privates while driving. Right? Apparently not everyone got the memo.

Megan Mariah Barnes, 37, (pictured) got into a major accident on Tuesday in the Florida Keys while she was doing just that -- shaving her bikini area. Her ex-husband, who was traveling with her, took the wheel from the passenger seat as Megan tended to business.

This story is all sorts of crazy. We'll let the Keys News fill in the rest of the details:
"She said she was meeting her boyfriend in Key West and wanted to be ready for the visit," Trooper Gary Dunick said. "If I wasn't there, I wouldn't have believed it. About 10 years ago I stopped a guy in the exact same spot ... who had three or four syringes sticking out of his arm. It was just surreal and I thought, 'Nothing will ever beat this.' Well, this takes it."

If that weren't enough, Megan Mariah Barnes was not supposed to be driving and her 1995 Ford Thunderbird was not supposed to be on the road.

The day before the wreck, Barnes was convicted in an Upper Keys court of DUI with a prior and driving with a suspended license, said Monroe County Assistant State Attorney Colleen Dunne. Barnes was ordered to impound her car, and her driver's license was revoked for five years, after which time she must have a Breathalyzer ignition interlock device on any vehicle she drives, Dunne said. Barnes also was sentenced to nine months' probation.

Barnes and Charles Judy were southbound in her Thunderbird at 11 a.m. when they slammed into the back of a 2006 Chevrolet pickup driven by David Schoff of Palm Bay. His passengers were a man and two women; the latter were treated for minor injuries at Lower Keys Medical Center, FHP spokesman Alex Annunziato said.
Megan then drove a half a mile away from the wreck to switch seats with her husband to make cops believe he was actually driving, but after cops examined the deployed airbags, they soon figured out she wasn't telling the truth.

Subsequently, Megan was charged with driving with a revoked license, reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident with injuries and driving with no insurance. The ex-husband wasn't charged.

We wonder if the boyfriend she was making her cat trap presentable for, bailed her out of jail.



Joann said...

That's just nasty.

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