Monday, March 15, 2010

Yet Even More Disturbing Details About John Edwards' Sex Tape

If you're alive today then you know that skettle Rielle Hunter is angry with GQ for publishing photos - she posed for - that accompanies a Q&A she gave regarding her affair with former presidential candidate John Edwards, whom she says she loves. She calls the photos "repulsive." Why she's angry behooves us: last time we checked, GQ is a men's magazine and men like photos of scantily clad women.

Last January we told you about the couple's sex tape -- specifically that John is well-endowed -- now the folks over at Daily Beast has more information.
The Daily Beast can now describe the video in detail, based on accounts from multiple people who have viewed it. One source who has a medical background and has worked with pregnant patients says Hunter appears four or five months pregnant based on the swollen state of her belly and nipples. This would place the tape's filming somewhere around September or October of 2007, smack in the middle of Edwards campaign for the presidency. On the video, both participants are naked. Hunter is propped up against the hotel bed headboard, with John Edwards belly-down on the bed between her legs. As Hunter, the campaign's official videographer, holds the camera, a smiling Edwards performs oral sex. Because of the camera angle, Hunter's face is not visible, but her distinctive jewelry is. Not only does candidate Edwards know he's being filmed, one source says, he's also clowning around and "graphically performing for the camera."
All righty then.



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