Monday, April 12, 2010

Girl Arrested For Drinking in Back Seat of Cop Car

This smiling teenager is not America's next top model. In fact, Tasha Lee Cantrell, 19, was busted last week for underage drinking. But, how that arrest came about is equally as hilarious as her mug shot.

According to the folks over at the Smoking Gun, Tasha was a passenger in a car whose driver was arrested for DUI. Since that car was towed and she was practically stranded, Tasha asked a police officer for a ride home. But while being chauffeured home, the donkey popped open a drink -- a 24 ounce can of beer -- which resulted in a ride to jail and that smug grin on her the face in the booking photo.

"As I looked at my in car video I observed Cantrell drinking out of an unknown can." [the cop] stopped his car and, upon further investigation, determined that Cantrell had popped open a can of Steel Reserve, a malt liquor known for its high alcohol content. "When I opened the rear passenger door I observed Cantrell attempting to hide the can between her legs. I retrieved this can and noticed it was Steel Reserve Beer," reported [officer] Landis, who immediately arrested Cantrell for underage drinking.

The videos of this hilarity are below.

Sidebar: Tasha pleaded no contest to the charge and was ordered to pay court costs and about $500 in fines.



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