Monday, April 19, 2010

Look! It's The New iPhone 4G/HD

Trust us: Heads are rolling over at 1 Infinite Loop (Apple's headquarters) in Cupertino, Calif. and someone will be fired because one of the company's technicians lost a prototype for the new iPhone 4G (which will released this June) in a Redwood City, Calif. bar bathroom and it landed in the hands of the folks over at Gizmodo, who conducted a thorough investigation.

According to Web site, the new device, which was disguised to look like a 3Gs model, has: a front-facing video camera for mobile chats; a camera flash; a higher-resolution camera; and an improved display on the phone that will stretch to 960 pixels, almost double the screen resolution of the current iPhone 3GS an the the battery is 16 percent larger than previous models.

Gizmodo has confirmed that they paid for the phone. (Some sources say they paid a grip for it! About $10,000!)

Apple is not commenting (which is nothing new), but someone will be fired.

Update: The folks over at Gozmodo say the person who found the phone tried unsuccessfully to return the device to its owner (identified as Apple software engineer Gray Powell). Several weeks later the phone was sold to the Web site. Also, Apple has sent the site a letter demanding it returns the device and are even willing to come and pick it up. Gizmodo wants it gone. They told Apple the phone "was burning a hole in our pockets" and would be "happy to have you pick this thing up....I'm happy to see it returned to its rightful owner....Take it easy on the kid who lost it."




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