Friday, April 16, 2010

Man Deliberately Vomits on Cop's Kid

We haven't named a donkey of a day in a while, but today, Philly, that honor goes to one of your own.

Matthew R. Clemens, 21, has been arrested after deliberately vomiting on the 11-year-old daughter of police officer (he's actually a police captain!) during a Phillies Game on Wednesday night, according to the Philadelphia Daily News.
Clemmens and a friend were sitting behind Easton Police Capt. Michael Vangelo and his two daughters, officials said. The pair were rowdy - cursing, spitting and spilling beer, police said. When Vangelo complained to an usher, Clemmens' friend was escorted out the stadium, police said. That did not stop Clemmens, police said. He kept it up and then announced he was going to throw up. Vangelo told police he turned to see Clemmens with his fingers down his throat before vomiting on the 11-year-old. Clemmens then punched Vangelo in the side of the head, prompting two witnesses, including an Easton police lieutenant, to jump in to restrain Clemmens, officials said. One of the witnesses punched Clemmens in the face before he gave up the struggle, police said.
Michael was thisclose to putting down a beat down on Matthew, but he said he didn't want to get arrested and leave his kids.



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