Friday, April 30, 2010

Man is Dating, Having Baby With His Grandmother?

A 72-year-old Indiana grandmother is making headlines around the world not because she's about to become a mother again (which she is), but because the father of the unborn child is her 26-year-old grandson.

[Take a few moments to clutch your pearls and run to the bathroom to vomit.]

Keep in mind whole thing could be a hoax, but, according to a report in an Australian magazine, granny Pearl Carter is slaying Phil Bailey, who is the son of the daughter she placed up for adoption at 18.

When his mother died of brain cancer in 2002, Phil reconnected with his grandmother and it was love at first sight.

"From the first moment that I saw him, I knew we would never have a (normal) grandmother-grandson relationship. For the first time in years I felt sexually alive," old girl Pearl says.

A week later, she called Phil into her bedroom, sat him down beside her then kissed him. She expected to be rejected, but Phil kissed her back.

"I wanted to kiss her there and then. My feelings were overwhelming," he says. "I love Pearl with all my heart. I've always been attracted to older women and I think Pearl is gorgeous. Now I'm going to be a dad and I can't wait. Yes, we get laughed at and bullied when we go out and kiss in public but we don't care. You can't help who you fall for."

They have sex together at least three times per week.

She's spent $54,000 to surrogate, whom they hired through a classified, to carry their child.

"I make no apologies and I believe God's given me a second chance," Pearl says. "I never in a million years thought at 72 I'd be "pregnant"."

OK. We don't know about you, but until old girl Pearl and her nasty grandson/baby day present themselves, we're chalking this story up as a hoax.



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