Friday, April 2, 2010

Oh, Boy, Tiger Woods' Kindergarten Teacher Holds a Press Conference

Tiger Woods' kindergarten teacher held a press conference this morning in Los Angeles -- no, not because of that, you freaks -- basically to go on a record to say her former student is a liar.

Many moons ago -- 1981 to be exact -- Maureen Decker was Tiger's teacher at Cerritos Elementary School. She has a bone to pick with him regarding an interview he gave for a 2005 book written by Charles Barkley, in which the Tiger said:

"I became aware of my racial identity on my first day of school, on my first day of kindergarten. A group of sixth-graders tied me to a tree, spray-painted 'n*gger' on me, and threw rocks at me. That was my first day of school. I used to live across the street from school and kind of down the way a little bit. The teacher said, 'Okay, just go home.' So I had to outrun all these kids going home, which I was able to do. It was certainly an eye-opening experience, you know, being five years old. We were the only minority family in all of Cypress, California."

Maureen said that never happened and she's "asking Tiger for a private and public apology to put my mind at ease and set the record straight."

Absolute nuttiness!


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