Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oprah Responds to Kitty Kelley's Book

At The New York Women in Communications Matrix Awards on Monday, Oprah addressed the scandalous biography penned by Kitty Kelley. In the book, Kitty claims, among other things, that Oprah is a liar, was never as poor as she claimed to be, was a fast in the ass (read: slept with anything with a penis), worked as a prostitute as a child and that the man she says is her father (Vernon Winfrey) is not the father! Oprah doesn't know who her daddy is, according to the book.

Oprah told the audience her lover best friend Gayle King, whom she was presenting an award, took particular exception to the book. Well, to let Vernon tell it, Gayle is a "dirt hog" and a "street heifer." In the book, Vernon retold a story of Gayle cursing him out on the telephone one day in his barbershop after she found out he was planning to write a memoir, which happens to include stories mostly of his life (and, of course, stories about Oprah, whom she intimated was in a relationship with Gayle).

But, at the awards show, Oprah said:
"Last week was a rough week for Gayle when a so-called biography came out. Every day she's getting herself more and more worked up about all of my new daddies that are now showing up. New daddies who are saying, 'Hello daughter, call me, I need a new roof.' Well, this too shall pass."

She also said she will never take a DNA test.



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