Friday, April 23, 2010

People Are Sometimes Too Honest

This actual conversation took place at an Old Navy clothing store in NYC.

Saleslady #1: You look like one of those dolls. I forget what they're called.
Saleslady #2: A doll? Oh, like a Barbie?
Saleslady #1: Nah, not a Barbie. I forget what these dolls are called. They're kinda short...
Saleslady #2: Kinda short? A Bratz doll?
Saleslady #1: No... Ummm... No, not a Bratz doll... Oh yeah, they're called Trolls. You look like a Troll.

We're gagging.


Walter said...

OMG..I would have loved to see the look on Salelady#2's face.

That conversation is epic.

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