Friday, April 23, 2010

Spare the Broomstick, Spoil the Child?

The topic of disciplining or spanking a child is like politics and religion, no one will ever agree. But, what about beating another person's child. With a broomstick. Until it breaks in half. Then put it back together and keep on beating? We can all agree, that's a no-no.

That woman in the mugshot is 29-year-old Becky Rodrigue of Waterbury, Conn. She's one crazy bitch. Cops said she tied her boyfriend's 7-year-old son to a bed and beat him with a broomstick until it snapped in half.
The boy was taken to Saint Mary's Hospital, where a pediatrician told police his injuries — bruises on his cheeks, shins, back, behind his ear, under his chin and on his forehead — were consistent with child abuse. Red marks also were found on the boy's wrists. The boy told investigators his "mommy" had tied him to his bed with her scarves and beat him with the broomstick "because he was bad." When it snapped, Rodrigue repaired it with duct tape, then hit the boy again, according to her arrest warrant. The boy showed a family member a bottle that Rodrigue would give the boy before he went to sleep, but the liquid inside it turned out to be an over-the-counter allergy medication with a warning saying it should be kept away from children, court documents show.
Crazy Becky is being held on a $100,000 bond while her children and the boy she abused are in foster care.

Yes. Yes. We know you're wondering where the father of the boy was at the time of the beatdown. Well, he's in jail.



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