Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tiki Barber Dumps Pregnant Wife For Young Blonde Intern

Former NY Giants cum Today Show correspondent, Tiki Barber is the scorn of the Internet today.

The New York Post is reporting that he has dumped his wife of 11 years, Ginny, for Traci Lynn Johnson, a 23-year-old NBC intern. Wait, did we forget: Ginny is eight months pregnant! With twins!

The report says Ginny got wind of Tiki's extramarital relationship late last year. He's been parading her around town and three months into Ginny's pregnant, Tiki and Traci were in Senegal and last month the new couple was photographed out on a date at a movie premiere in Washington.

While relationships don't always work out, Tiki's words about his own father's philandering ways is now coming to bite him in the butt.

In a 2004 interview he said of of his parents' split: "I don't give a [bleep] that the relationship didn't work. Not only did he abandon her, I felt like he abandoned us for a lot of our lives. I have a hard time forgiving that."

Ginny and Tiki have two other sons, a 7-year-old and a 6-year-old.

He issued this statement, confirming the break-up.

"After 11 years of marriage, Ginny and I have decided to separate. This decision was a painful one, but we are moving forward amicably and will continue to work together to raise our children with the love and dedication they have always known."

If history serves as a guide, (thanks Tiger Woods and Jesse James), expect other women to come forward to say they slept with Tiki while he was married.

Update: The Post reported that Tiki began dating that skettel back in 2008 -- long before Ginny became pregnant with the twins. Sources said he lavished Traci with roses, jewelry and designer clothes — and that she was not shy about publicly reveling in her illicit relationship with the married man. On Sept. 5 of last year she posted a photo of his blue Maserati on Facebook, and called it her “Boyfriend’s whip."



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