Monday, April 5, 2010

White Supremacist Killed in South Africa

If you can't or refuse to pay your slaves, let them free...or else.

Yahoo news reports:
South Africa's white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche was bludgeoned to death by two of his farm workers Saturday in an apparent dispute over wages, police said, amid growing racial tensions in the once white-led country. Terreblanche, 69, was leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging movement, better known as the AWB, that wanted to create three all-white republics within South Africa in which blacks would be allowed only as guest workers. The South African Press Association quoted police spokeswoman Adele Myburgh as saying that Terreblanche was attacked by a 21-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy who worked for him on his farm outside Ventersdorp, about 110 kilometers (68 miles) northwest of Johannesburg. Myburgh said the alleged attackers have been arrested and charged with murder. She said the two, whom she did not identify by name, told the police that there had been a dispute because they were not paid for work they had done on the farm...."Mr. Terreblanche's body was found on the bed with facial and head injuries." She said a machete was found on his body and a knobkerrie — a wooden staff with a rounded head — next to his bed. Terreblanche had threatened war on South Africa's white minority government in the 1980s when it began to make what he considered dangerous concessions to blacks that endangered the survival of South Africa's white race....Terreblanche's killing comes amid growing disenchantment among blacks for whom the right to vote has not translated into jobs and better housing and education. Some consider themselves betrayed by leaders governing the richest country on the continent and pursuing a policy of black empowerment that has made millionaires of a tiny black elite while millions remain trapped in poverty as whites continue to enjoy a privileged lifestyle. Terreblanche recently has made statements highlighting the corruption that has ballooned under the black government. "Our country is being run by criminals who murder and rob ... We are being oppressed again. We will rise again," he said, referring to concentration-camp conditions that killed thousands during the Boer War fought by British colonizers.


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